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Take Time to Blow Bubbles | New Painting

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Take Time to Blow Bubbles | New Painting

Whenever I return home from traveling & painting on a revive trip, I go through a "re-grouping" myself at home phase.  Often this can lead to immediately having the rush of thoughts, "what do I need to get done," "what do I have to catch up on with the kids, the house, emails, etc." "what artwork should I be focusing on now," and the thoughts can build and build creating worry, anxiety and self-induced stress.

This is exactly what I felt like the first week home a couple weeks ago.  With school starting that week, the boys having hockey try-outs right away, all the forms needing to be signed, making school lunches, cleaning the house; with the transition of season, it is easy to get overwhelmed.  Thank God I have God in my life!  The minute those thoughts came over me, I stopped and prayed.  

Take Every Thought Captive

"casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Scripture tells us that Satan often attacks us in our thought process, in our imaginations, therefore we must take every thought captive to Christ. Is worry from God? God's nature is to keep us in peace, even in the struggles of everyday life. Because he is with us and loves us.  He does not want us to be worried and anxious.  He paid a price on the cross so we don't have to carry that weight in life.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

By meditating on these truths, I talk to the Lord and ask what He has to say about it, and lay all those worries at His feet... this is what he said to me, "Mindi, take time to blow bubbles." 

I knew exactly what He was saying.  (The Holy Spirit often speaks to me in metaphors)  I heard Him tell me during the times of worry and stress of all I need to get done, I need to take the time to "blow bubbles."  To simply be.  Take the time to be in His presence and not stress about all the things that aren't necessary. To become childlike and trust Him, and in these moments of "blowing bubbles" it will bring me joy and He will fill me up so I can have the strength to carry on.  To release.  In this time of prayer and conversation with Jesus, I could see a vision of a child blowing bubbles.  I could see the excitement, joy, and amazement of the bubbles floating up in the air.  The laughter of running around chasing them.  Being carefree. Releasing air from her lungs to blow soapy, iridescent bubbles and watching them float in awe and wonder.  But most of all, I could feel the atmosphere of heaven by simply being in His presence.

Childlike Faith & Joy

God spoke to me about being more childlike.  As adults we need to intentionally take time to become like children.  In these moments of childlike joy, faith and trust; we open the door for God to heal, to cover our circumstances with His love and to speak clarity from heaven into us. "Take the time to blow bubbles."

"He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18: 2-4)

Live Painting | Praise at the Plaza

Last weekend I had the privilege to paint live during Burn 24/7 Calgary, "Praise at the Plaza."  It was a beautiful sunny day downtown Calgary at the Olympic Plaza... full of worship, just what I needed; releasing joy and praise to the Lord.  We had a great time.  I painted this piece as a declaration of releasing joy and "taking the time to blow bubbles." To simply be in His presence.


"and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls." (1 Peter 1: 8-9)

How do you Take the Time to Blow Bubbles?

Some of the ways I take this time:

Do something creative, whether its painting, drawing, a craft or decorating. I also love to bake.  Baking cookies, muffins, cupcakes is a time I enjoy.  Going on a walk with my kids.  Driving - I love to drive.  (and sometimes too fast!)  Reading.  Having a cup of coffee...and even better with a good friend.  And one of my favourite ways to 'take time' is listening to worship music.  (It's always on in my house:)

Whatever your going through today, I pray this painting is an encouragement to your spirit. Remember to take time to blow bubbles.

(The original painting has now been added to my website and available to purchase. Also available to purchase as a fine art print, size options on website.)  

Blessings & Joy Bubbles,


Comments on this post (1)

  • Sep 16, 2016

    Hi Mindy,
    I enjoyed reading your blog and I totally agree to what you have to say. You sound really grounded in your faith.
    God’s blessings to you and your family,

    — Karin Nimmo

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