The Harvest | August 2021 Collectors Club

“And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2
“And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you.” Genesis 17:7
“And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.” Luke 1:50
This painting has multiple meanings for me personally. I will start with where it came from… My Grandpa passed away at the end of July, returning to his heavenly home. What a glorious day that will be! After hearing of the news, I sat at my easel staring at a blank canvas. I was thinking of my Grandpa and all he meant to me and about his life while on earth… I began to paint. This is what came out of that time. My Grandpa was a generational farmer. He farmed his whole life. Wheat fields remind me of him. One of my most cherished memories of my childhood was growing up in North Dakota, going to the farm where my Grandparents lived, experiencing farm life.
As I thought about the wheat fields, I realized I have a harvest in my bloodline through my Grandpa and how God works through generations. We are all part of a family. God designed humanity to come through generational lines. Each family has natural and spiritual callings and assignments, generational inheritances, but also curses. When born again into the family of God, through the blood of Jesus, he gives us authority to break curses off our family lines and step fully into the inheritance of the Kingdom, reclaiming what the enemy may have stolen from us through the generations. We can reclaim a spiritual inheritance no one can steal through the Lord. Today, ask the Lord to restore and reclaim His purposes and plans through your generational line… cancel every attack coming against your family and pray blessing on the generations to come that they will walk out every assignment God has purposed to accomplish through your family.
The Harvest:
When we become a member of the family of God, we are all called to be a labourer in His harvest field. There’s a mighty harvest of people who need to be welcomed into the family of God… we are all called to be part of that harvest in the area of our assignments. Let’s pray for the laborers of His harvest to go out into the fields. Everywhere we go is the harvest field. The harvest is plentiful; in our towns, neighborhoods and communities. Lord, rise up the laborers in this hour! We are entering a harvest season like never before.
Bowing Wheat:
When wheat is fully matured, it bows its head from the weight. This is when it’s fully fruitful, ready to be harvested. The fruit of this wheat will produce the bread of life. It reminds me of the parable of the wheat and tares. The wheat that is humbled and bowing in the presence of the One with the heavenly sickle, will produce food. The tare who refuses to bow will not be fruitful and will be separated out. Lord, keep us submitted and humbled to your ways, so we will produce good fruit.
The Monarch Butterflies:
I painted two Monarch’s representing generational transformation. Two represents union, male and female, producing life… the generations. The monarch butterfly has a migration path from Mexico to Canada. It takes up to four generations to migrate on their journey to pass the torch to the next cycle of generations. It’s amazing how God designs every aspect of creation in generations, even the butterfly.
I pray this simple painting speaks to your heart and stirs you for the harvest.
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